In order to retain valid MAAC insurance coverage for our club and members, all Model Aeronautics Association of Canada rules and regulations apply to any member/guest while participating in flying activities on the BurnabyLake flying site at all times. In addition there are rules and regulations specific to our club because of the use of City of Burnaby Parks land.
A): As a club that shares field usage with the general public, any member found in violation of flying in an unsafe manner or in out of bounds areas can immediately be suspended from using these facilities for a period of up to 30 (thirty) days. Members found in subsequent violation can be terminated from active membership of the club by vote of the membership.
B): Agreements have been made between the City of Burnaby and our club in regard to the times we are allotted to the use the field at Burnaby Lake. Members may use the field at times when field is booked for club activities (scheduled), or when field is unused by other sporting groups. Activities scheduled by Burnaby Parks take precedence over all other. See the Field Schedule.
C): In the event of confrontation, take the avenue of least resistance. Remember this is a park and a public place. All members must use common sense when flying their airplanes, especially where public safety is of concern.
Burnaby Lake Flyers Field Safety Regulations
I agree to follow the MAAC Safety Code pertaining to the safe operation of model, radio-controlled aircraft at all times. I also agree to follow the below site-specific agreements in place between the City of Burnaby and the Burnaby Lake Flyers Association. These agreements are in place due to the shared nature of the fields we use to operate our radio-controlled model aircraft; and are to ensure that the public, who also use these fields, are not endangered by our aircraft, either while in use or on display.
I will have a valid MAAC insurance card and proof thereof.
I will place warning signs at designated locations (shown above) prior to flying my aircraft at Burnaby Lake flying field. Members found disregarding this rule will get an automatic 1 month suspension of flying privileges.
All transmitters used at our field must be capable of doing a range check with the exception of drone transmitters and all pilots of fixed wing aircraft and helicopters must do a range check before the first flight of the day with each aircraft.
I will keep and use my own frequency pin/marker for the frequency board if using 72 MHz frequencies.
Fixed wing pilots must have passed Wings Level “A” or higher to fly solo at the field. If Wings Level “A” has not been obtained or if it has been revoked, a qualified instructor with minimum Wings Level “B” must accompany said pilot. Helicopter and multi-rotor pilots must have BLF Blades “Heli1” or higher to fly solo at the field, and must abide by the BLF Blades Helicopter Program document. A Heli pilot who has not attained Blades “Heli 1” must be accompanied by a qualified instructor with minimum Blades “Heli 2”.
No gas/glow-powered planes are permitted at any time.
I will not over-fly the pit area, parking lot, clubhouse or the playground to the south of the field.
I will not fly my aircraft while other user groups are participating in allotted, scheduled games on fields 3, 4, 5 or 6.
I will keep my aircraft in a safe place (away from spectators) while working on it or while it is on the ground in the pits.
Any visitor in pit area must be accompanied by a club member at all times. Children and pets must be kept under control in pit area at all times.
Flights must be limited to 15 minutes when others are waiting to fly.
An aircraft that utilizes a 5-cell lipo battery or larger must be armed and disarmed at a pilot station, not in the pit area.
Pilots will receive only one warning for safety violations after which on the second violation (for the same offence) they will be prohibited from flying for a period of 24 allotment hours. These Offenses will be logged by the safety officer. A second suspension in the same 30 day period may result in longer suspensions after being reviewed by the safety committee.
For FPV, pilots must respect MAAC and Transport Canada rules. Have a spotter capable of operating that model and that transmitter’s configuration. FPV model must remain close enough for spotter to see the unobstructed model’s orientation.
Multi-rotor flying is prohibited. Special permission to be granted by 2 Executive Members for all future members to fly multi-rotors for special purposes only. Members as of November 2, 2016 are grandfathered to fly multi-rotors without special permission.
No smoking in the pit area between the fence and the pilot station line.
Guests who are accomplished pilots, and are MAAC members, are allowed to fly not more than 3 days before they must pay to join our club. They must be accompanied during all flights by a club member, who should pre-familiarize the guest with club rules and boundaries. A guest’s ability to fly should be pre-assessed with a brief interview by a club member. Guests who are not accomplished pilots should be buddy-boxed. During special events, a guest need not have a member standing beside them when flying.